Intake Information

Intake Information

Interested in booking an intake appointment? Contact Mindful Therapy Group’s intake department at (425) 640-7009 ext #1. When speaking to the intake department request an appointment with Emily Ellison and they will let you know if I have any availability and what I have open. If I don’t have any availability please contact me by email, text, phone, or through the “Contact Me” page to request to be added to my waiting list.

See the buttons below that offer very important information about my practice. These documents will be sent to you through the patient portal prior to your intake appointment. You do not have to complete these forms. The first document is my Clinical Disclosure Statement that explains all of my practice policies. You can download the document to review it prior to your first appointment. The remaining links following the disclosure statement are 2 standardized measures used to help identify symptoms of depression (PHQ-9) and anxiety (GAD-7). These measures are optional but are used to assist me in diagnosing you if you have any of these conditions.